Legal notice
Suis’state’s website is generated and published by Suis’state Ltd, Mühlenplatz 9, 6004 Luzern, Switzerland. Suis’state Ltd has been registered in the commercial register of the canton of Zug under number CHE-115.406.883 since 2010, and is a subsidiary of Wealthyard Group SA, Nidwalden, Switzerland. For more information about the group and its affiliates, visit ‘Wealthyard Group AG’ is used to refer to the following companies.
Architerra SA, Aris International SA, Mediterre International SA, Silkstone SA, Wealthyard Capital Ltd, Wealthyard Management SA based in 6300 Zug, Switzerland.
Ms Valerie Kuenzi is in charge of Suis’State’s website and our group marketing,
tel +41 41 727 22 68.
This website is hosted by Cyon GmbH, Brunngässlein 12, 4052 Basel, Switzerland.
Design and programming:
Immanuelkirchstraße 12
10405 Berlin, Germany